Hi, I’m Anthony Hewson, sometimes known as Ant. I’m a male English voice over artist and voice actor. I provide professional voiceovers from my home studio in south Cambridgeshire, UK, or London studios.

About my voice

Natural voicing age: 30s-50s

Natural accent: English RP/home counties/Hertfordshire

Voice frequently described as: deep, gravelly, cinematic, moreish, warm, credible, authoritative, soothing

Character voice age: 30s-70s

Other accents: heightened RP, antique RP, estuary English, Yorkshire, general American, general Australian

Photo of English voice actor Anthony Hewson in the voiceover booth

Working with me – what you get

That’s what really matters, isn’t it? What it’s like to work with me, how easy the process is, and how brilliant the outcome.

These are probably your primary priorities when working with a voiceover artist:

  1. high-quality audio
  2. a perfectly interpreted vocal performance
  3. fair pricing for voiceovers
  4. flexibility and fast turnaround
  5. accessibility for pick-ups and late script changes
  6. someone who’s easy to work with
  7. a little added value.

And this is what you’ll get from me:

  1. Your choice of raw or edited audio, recorded (perhaps remotely directed) in my professional recording space on top-grade equipment – OR – a directed voiceover session in a recording studio of your choice
  2. Someone who asks the right questions to get to the heart of what you need. A voice artist who listens, thinks and feels before they speak. Who takes direction well, yet has the instincts to make creative choices
  3. A voiceover quote that’s tailored to your project, based on a studio session fee and applicable usage as guided by industry-standard voiceover pricing structures.
  4. Finished audio within 24 hours, usually, if the voiceover is self-directed; directed sessions may require more notice, and raw audio delivered within minutes of the session finishing. For international clients, sessions are booked for your time zones, not mine. (see how a voiceover booking works here)
  5. Impressive availability. I love a holiday. But I check out recording studios nearby just in case you need me. Otherwise, my priority is to help you finish your project. Which means pick-ups as soon as I’m available to hit record for you.
  6. A reassuringly professional and warm experience. I’m good-natured and good-humoured, friendly, flexible and helpful. I’ll stop there in case I accidentally start listing the flaws.
  7. Recommendations for and introductions to other voice talent if my voice isn’t right for this project. I’m active in various VO communities, so you gain quite a long reach. I’m also a former international copywriter and editor, which means two things: I’m used to editing translated scripts for more natural reads, and I can make really rapid script changes for alternative takes if something isn’t quite working when we’re putting voice to video together.

Voiceover awards finalist

In 2018 I was overjoyed to be shortlisted for two awards at the inaugural UK One Voice voiceover awards. The honour was utterly unexpected and, I thought, unlikely to be repeated. As luck would have it, I was shortlisted at the 2019 One Voice Awards too, this time as one of six finalists in the best male voiceover for a TV/web commercial.

2021 dished out bigger surprises: I was a finalist in the best male voice over performance category at the VOX awards, and a finalist for best male UK voice over artist in the demo reel, radio commercial, and web/TV commercial voiceover categories at the One Voice Awards. Practising my gracious loser face paid off, unfortunately… But with more than 3,300 award entries, it’s no mean feat to have a panel of industry professionals select your work as among the very best male voiceovers in Britain – independently of each other.

English voiceover artist Anthony Hewson in dinner suit at the 2023 VOX voiceover awards black tie event

In 2022, I surely peaked for award nominations. As well as being shortlisted for best male voiceover performance at VOX again, I was a finalist in four categories at the UK’s One Voice Awards: best male voice over artist for a TV/web commercial, for a radio commercial, for a documentary, and male voiceover artist of the year. It felt absurd, especially with more than 3,600 award entries that year, but if nothing else it ought to reassure you that you’ll be hiring a well-regarded voice actor.

In 2023, I was a finalist at the One Voice Awards in two commercial voiceover categories: best male voiceover artist in a radio commercial, and best male voice artist in a TV commercial or web commercial. At the 2023 VOX awards, I was a finalist for best human voiceover in an audio-only broadcast, and best male voiceover performance of the year.

As with every year since 2021, I considered not entering the 2024 One Voice Awards. You create your own pressure, even if the rest of the world couldn’t care less. I caved two hours before the deadline for submissions. My reward was to be shortlisted for two awards: best voiceover artist for a corporate voiceover (of any gender), and best voiceover demo reel, for my corporate reel.

A little background on my journey as a voice artist

Acting has been part of me for as long as I can remember. Back in school I studied for LAMDA exams; sang, acted and gave readings for various productions; and toured mainland Europe with lead roles in Romeo & Juliet and A Man For All Seasons. At uni, I relished playing the monstrous Martin in Brimstone & Treacle. Post-university I turned to my other natural bent: writing. English had, after all, been my favourite subject at school. After working in corporate communications and PR, I moved sideways into freelance copywriting, scriptwriting and editing. I’ve written countless adverts, articles and opinion pieces, websites and email marketing campaigns. Inevitably, I’ve written a lot of corporate video scripts too. I still offer script editing services for voice over clients; particularly when the script has been translated from another language into English.

The acting went away for a time. But people seemed to like my voice. I had embarrassing compliments from total strangers. I gained a non-threatening stalker. A chap I’d never met before said he’d like me to read him bedtime stories. I was asked to record a voice of god award ceremony voiceover and telephone messages for employers. As I read out some ad copy at a copywriting client workshop, the group leader declared that I’d have ‘a great voice for radio’. Some wag responded: ‘a great face for radio…’ There was much laughter. There was a red face. Which is ok, if it’s on the radio.

In 2009, I began recording corporate voiceovers – explainer videos, voiceovers for presentations and so on – for creative agency clients of my copywriting business. This was purely on request, rather than actively marketed voiceover services. In 2018, I set up my first home recording studio and invested in various voiceover training workshops with industry leaders. Since then, I have provided voiceovers for TV commercials, radio ads, all sorts of promo and corporate videos, podcasts, documentaries, IVR/telephone systems and e-learning programmes, as well as voice acting in videogames, animations and audio dramas.

If you’re looking to hire an English voice actor for videogames, audio dramas or animations, or voiceover talent for anything from a commercial campaign to brand image films, listen to some voice samples and get in touch to book me for your next project.