Somewhat silly

Snippets from my Somewhat Silly YouTube channel

I take your project needs and my professional voiceover services extremely seriously.

I take myself…less so.

Play Video about Image showing British voice actor and voiceover award nominee Anthony Hewson in front of his recording booth, pointing at a caption that reads "Shame, Shame! The OVA 2024 Surprise"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of a threatened-looking voice actor, Anthony Hewson, and the words: "A testimonial you can trust"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of awards-nominated voiceover artist Anthony Hewson, seemingly on a conference call with Hugh Edwards of the One Voice Awards and the words: "One Voice Awards judging practice exposed!"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of English voice artist narrating a children's book, and the words: "A children's book? For charity? Me?! Sounds ridiculous. THIS ridiculous..."
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of award-nominated voiceover artist Anthony Hewson, and the words: "Dishing the dirt on VOX nominees"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of voice actor Ant Hewson holding a GPO telephone and the words: "IVR systems: always a treat"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of English voiceover artist Anthony Hewson in black tie and dinner suit, clapping, and the words: "Every time I'm shortlisted..." The video has a headline "When the award winner in my category is announced"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of UK voice artist Anthony Hewson looking downwards, and the words: "This is something...really rather impressive"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of Kermit the Frog, and the words: "The Muppets, Spielberg, and a Good Rodding"
Play Video about Video preview thumbnail, featuring a background photo of English voice artist Anthony Hewson standing in his garden looking hot, and the words: "No air con? No problem"

Why are there a bunch of silly videos on this page? 

It comes down to a discussion about branding I had with someone for whom I have an awful lot of respect.

Branding, as you probably know, is much more than your logo, your colours, your typefaces. It’s the entire experience you offer.

And my colleague pointed out that there’s a side of me that rarely gets expressed in my voiceover work.

But which features increasingly when I get to know you more. As the relationship grows.

According to her, I’m funny. (I grimaced as I typed that. I think I can be funny, but, y’know). Anyway, that’s seldom the style of the work I do. 

Because, when you’re a voiceover artist with a natural speaking voice like mine, those deep tones and qualities of gravitas, trustworthiness and warmth lead to inevitable casting decisions – in corporate voiceovers and commercial voiceover at any rate.

I’m often the voice of authority. The leader you can look up to, who would never look down on you. A serious person for a serious business, albeit one that cares about you as much as its own standards.

Which suits me pretty well, I think. (Apart from the leadership. Nobody’s ever entrusted ME with a team, and that’s possibly a good thing.)

But perhaps because I’m deeply serious about the real world, there’s lots of absurdity and sarcasm and silliness that needs to escape from time to time. 

These videos are a release valve, really. With the possible bonuses that a) you might laugh a bit here and there, b) that they might show a different side to the quiet, serious, and shy person you’ll meet at first, and c) you’ll hand me loads of humorous (and high-value, of course) scripts to have fun with.