Wonderland Challenge 2 promo image - I'm proud to be one of 174 voice actors reading Lewis Carroll's classic Through the Looking Glass, to raise funds for Cancer Resarch UK

Wonderland Challenge 2

Wonderland Challenge 2 Back in 2020, voice actor Brad Shaw was diagnoised with stage 3 melanoma. Despite the extraordinary stress and fear he must surely have been living with, and while undergoing ongoing immunotherapy, he came up with The Wonderland Challenge. The idea? 159 voiceover artists and actors record a Read more…

Everything you need to brief a voice artist for slick recording sessions and on-point auditions

How to brief a voiceover artist

How to brief a voiceover artist effectively and efficiently… Nailing down a comprehensive brief for your voiceover artist is essential if you want first-rate results fast. Short on time? Download the PDF précis Without a decent brief, here’s what you risk: time-consuming back-and-forth questions and answers delivery styles which don’t Read more…